Balance starts when you get out of bed

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Why I hate Vegans

Vegans are smug.

Vegans are elitist.

They are strange, skinny and almost always tree hugging flakes that float on the edges of society. They wear PETA shirts. They all get together and have pot lucks and yammer on about how evil the meat and fashion industries are. They don't wear leather shoes, or belts. They like hemp. They like hemp a lot (smoke it, wear it?).

They don't eat honey. They smell like incense.

Question: Would you rather sit next to a Vegan or an Insurance salesman on a 5 hour flight from LA to Boston?

Don't answer.

Then why did I chose to be part of a club that I had no intension of ever joining. I could blame Chris Martin of Coldplay. I saw him a couple of years ago in concert- all hopping around and Energizer bunny like- and yes he is a Vegan. I could blame Thom Yorke of Radiohead, he's one too. I could blame National Geographic and that stupid article about longevity that they published a couple of years ago (almost all the people who lived over a 100 didnt eat meat).

Instead, I will blame my right hand.

About two years ago, I found that I was having trouble closing my right hand. It hurt. Not a little, but a lot. I didnt know if it was arthritis or not. I never went to the doctor to ask. I was worried that he would put me on drugs that I didn't want.

There were also other problems besides that- I weighed about 255lbs, which was great! I was down from an all time high of 280lbs. But I had hit a plateau, no matter what I did, I couldn't get any lower than that.

I also felt like crap. Because I felt like crap- I was crabby too. Funny how that works.

So in November of 2005 after a blood test that showed my blood sugar rising- I made a commitment to lose that extra weight. I read on the internet how people that didn't eat dairy products, had less of an incidence of arthritis. Between Chris, Thom, National Geographic, the internet and my right hand I said- Fuck it.

I'll try this meatless thing.

A year and a half later- No pain in my hand (that cleared up in about two weeks after I quit all meat products). Blood sugar dropped. Lost 38 lbs. Didn't feel like crap anymore. I am told that I am more fun to be around.

All because I stopped eating meat and meat by products.

It's a simple thing, but something that is evokes the strangest reactions from people. It's like I am so odd that I don't eat meat. Why? What difference does it make, if I dont want to eat something that had a hoof or a claw? Why should it matter to anyone other than me?

Only after making the change, did I realize some of the other things- Like about how the meat industry is riddled with diseased animals that the USDA is letting through the system. About the amount of hormonal supplements that is in dairy which is making 10-11 year old girls reach puberty. There is also a chemical in meat that is addictive as well. It's similar to coffee and nicotine.

There is a whole catalog of reasons why eating meat and meat byproducts is bad for you. You know it is- deep down inside- but you eat it anyway.

Cause you like the taste.

Read Michael Pollens "Omnivores Dilemma" for a clear and reasonable take on the whole issue of Industrialized Food. Its not propaganda, he isn't a vegetarian or a vegan, just a good writer. He tries to explain where our food comes from, which is a hard thing to do.

All I know is that for someone my age, I don't ever have indigestion- I am more flexible and in better shape than a lot of people I know. I have more enthusiasm about life, and I have a general sense of well being than I have ever had before.

So I am being smug and elitist. Comes with the territory. But I am not a fanantic about it- that is my saving grace.

In my closet, I have to admit, that I have a PETA shirt too- However it's a little different than most of the PETA stuff out there- No sad eyed baby seals. No rabbits with burning eyes

The shirt says:

People for the

Eating of



I hate Vegans- I need to find another name for it though since I am one.

Any suggestions?


Jessica Gottlieb said...

Faceless Foodies?

*snarf* *burp*

That Cheeseburger was great!


and I did buy the book, now I've just got to read it.

Anonymous said...

Animals say Ow too.

And I can vouch for the fact the author has a much better temperament now that he does not eat all that crap.

These days I am pretty close to vegan myself. 99 percent of what I eat is vegan.. Soon I hope that is 100 percent..

I have to say tho.. I am pretty happy being a tree hugger.

Interesting article. I enjoyed it.

The book he recommened it also very good as well.. not to eat but to read...

Adrienne :)

Anonymous said...

Vegan has negative connotations - so call yourself a herbivore

I think that's appropriate enough

pinkwerewolf said...

I just wish vegans didn't preach all of the time to meat-eaters that don't give a damn.

Plus the animal doesn't feel anything. The airgun that kills em is so instant they wouldn't know what hit em. As for poultry, yeah I know some places use the technique of popping the chickens heads off,... but now most companies zap em. Resulting in a fast and painless death.

Anonymous said...

Vegans don't fucking preach to anyone - we get shit like this every day - anti-vegan preching and other ignorance - and then when we retaliate with the truth you simpletons can't think of anything to say so say we're preaching. Hypocrites.

Why do you idiots not consider yourselves preachers every time you insult us? Is it because you subconsciously only consider good messages preaching - because you know you're doing something wrong?

Anonymous said...

This is to the ANon in the last post- I AM A VEGAN. If you would have taken a few minutes to read the entire post you would have figured that out- I was complaining about labels on people in general- It's all extremely silly.

And your reaction confirms what a lot of people feel about people who choose this lifestyle. So quit being a stereotype-

A Citizen

Anonymous said...

I think the biggest problems with the perception of Vegans is that a minority of them actively encourage the negative image people currently have of them. Being a quiet Vegan isn't in their best interests or so they think, it's one way to promote their view of life to the generally disinterested public.

Veganism is only one aspect of their lifestyle, animal activism, extreme environmentalism and far left wing political causes are usually found in the mix as well.
These "militant Vegans" as I call them are a new face on an old movement which has been around a lot longer then people realize and wasn't always connected with other activist causes but was a part of a religious/spiritual lifestyle.

I'm not a vegan or even a vegetarian but I do eat a lot less meat and poultry then the average Westerner. I respect that others have different ways and I never judge their choices.
I think Vegans who loudly proclaim that their points of view are the only correct ones and promptly start to insult and put down other's points of view are only hurting themselves and the causes they claim to represent.

It's one of the reasons I never discuss diet in front of anybody. I've seen an example of a militant Vegan in action and it was both sad and disgusting at the same time(she was also a extreme PETA activist and believed in active civil disobedience, i.e. vandalism in the name of her cause). She used to be a friend but has quietly flipped out over the years and has been in outpatient treatment for her manic-depressive states.

If these militant Vegans lay off the confrontational style I think a lot more people would be more open minded about listening to their views without feeling threatened.

As for the anon poster commenting about us idiots and preaching, you're an example of why people will never listen to people like you. I for one would simply walk away because people like you are only looking for cheap attention and are willing to do anything(like being an ass) to get it. You're the reason why animal activists, vegans and other social causes have such a bad rap among most Westerners.

Lorette C. Luzajic said...

While the meat industry could use an overhaul on the shit they add and the conditions for animals, don't blame hormones in meat for hormone problems. Far more dangerous than the healthy-but-polluted natural human diet of meat is the vegan's best friend, soy. Soy is a toxic food with dozens of poisons, and indeed is listed by the FDA as a poisonous plant! It is a potent endocrine disruptor, and has been known to cause menses by as early as THREE. Monks used it to lower testosterone, and many soy boys are growing moobs.

While I firmly believe that the natural wisdom of all human cultures through all time who have all used animal foods, either meat or dairy, I would never knock a vegetarian for choosing compassion. But guard your health and kick soy out of your diet- it's a carefully constructed propaganda by the dirtiest industry in the world.

Anonymous said...

could it be possible the loss of weight is why you are happier and more flexable? that can be done while still eating meat products.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I think people who become obsessed over diets like this are nuts! And you feel better because of the weight loss, not because of the lack of meat. Some people who suffer hypoglycemia, like me, feel worse from eating carbs.

Anonymous said...

I hate vegans because the only thing stopping me from suicide is a low carbohydrate, regulated diet. They get on their soapbox to tell me that I'm less spiritual, apathetic, selfish and lazy for choosing the only healthy way for me.

***Liviana**Mari*** said...

I have dealt with militant vegans and one actually stalked me online with vicious insults. Would constantly spam my inbox. I have dealt mainly with with the militant activist sort, and am really turned off. Of course when I stopped eating meat I never really noticed a difference in how I felt. Perhaps you were expecting it?
And you lost a good amount of weight?
Of course considering you were once heavy? I used to be very heavy and just cut out calories and lost 90 pounds and no diet change.

I was perfectly healthy, I am perfectly healthy no problems at all, I do also eat meat. So I am afraid it depends on the genetics. ^_^

***Liviana**Mari*** said...

and other health risks in people. I never overindulge and never eat fast food.

Anonymous said...

Vegetarians are stupid, why waste your life fussing what you eat when you can eat tasty food. Most vegetarians only use it as an exuse to cover the fact they can't afford meat. RETARDS!

Anonymous said...

most vegans have OCD problems and try to do self remedy and any i have know are hard drug users. they're such hippos.

Anonymous said...

I have 3 issues with Vegans. I could care less that they choose to eat greens instead of meat. That's their personal choice. What I take issue with is:

1. Some of them try to force their way of life on you. (ie: Check youtube and search "vegan".

2. Some of them act as if people who eat meat are killing not only the planet, but innocent animals. (See petafag)

3. Some of them act as if being vegan is healthier than being a meat eater. (Any idiot can realize that eating healthier foods is good, but meat is essential to any balanced diet)

I invited a vegan friend of mine to a surprise cookout for another friend's birthday and he told me not only was I an asshole, I should die. That's how fucking stupid and messed up vegans are. Go be green in hell plant loonies.

Michelle said...

I know I'm a little late on this, but want to see great examples of vegan hatred? I write a vegetarian column for and when I opened up the floor to the suggestion of vegan/ vegetarian unity, I got ripped apart. Check it out here:

Anonymous said...

I hate vegans too. That's why I made this film:

Anonymous said...

I love meat. I hate vegans. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

hehe. i love this quote;;

"if slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarians"


just wanted to say that:)

Anonymous said...

All this vegan hatred sucks. As sentient beings we are given a simple choice - kill to live, or do not kill to live. It is really that simple.
And as for all the 'meat is essential to a balanced diet' and 'animals die quickly and painlessly' BOLLOCKS, you people need to get your facts straight. The only reason you are getting so angry is because you are guilty. Crazy vegans are bad news i agree, but nowhere near as dangerous and destructive as ignorant meat eaters trying to hid from their own guilt and doing so much damaage in the meantime. Seriously people, open your eyes and grow up.

LotusGong said...

How tasty are your animals after they're seasoned with vegetable spices, fried in vegetable oil, onion or garlic, and eaten with a vegetable sauce? I'm a former vegan and I eat raw or boiled fish and nothing else. No bread or damn mayonnaise. But of course I have some rice or injera (pancakes). I buy tuna canned in water, drain it and you get the genuine taste of meat. Sometims I add soy sauce because it's asian and I like asian food.

Do you eat animals because spices make them tasty? Are you depressed? It's nothing to be ashamed off, it's a treatable condition, but not with a steak. I eat fish for nutrition. Vitamin B12, D, choline, creatine, iodine. But not iron and zinc, plants have them. Everyone should do the same. You're stuffing yourself with too much proteins that is causing osteoporosis. It's making blood acidic and body will leach calcium out of bones to neutralize it. So no matter how much milk and cheese you stuff yourself with, it won't make your bones stronger. I'm gonna act holier than thou and shove fish down your throat! But just few ounces.

And with this symptom I'm surprised you don't have a tumor.

LotusGong said...

A lot of people think that hormone supplements in cows are causing early puberty in girls. That's not true. With todays unhealthy diet they get fatter sooner and become fertile. Women in the San tribe eat a low-fat diet and they aren't fertile until they're 18 years old.

And how much respect are you showing to animals? Japanese whalers pray for the whales they kill.

LotusGong said...

Btw there is one good argument against veganism. Field plowing and harvesting crops still kills animals. It's easy to think grains for flour and hay for the pets and horses are guilt-free because nobody says how many mauled wabbits you can see after a harvest or grass mowing.

And I admit, trying to look for vegan ingredients was impossible. I'm glad I can eat marshmallows again, even though I still dislike it's ingredient derived from boiled skins and bones. But that's all by-product of the meat industry. Wearing leather shoes doesn't contribute to more animals being raped for farming. Meat demand does.

Anonymous said...

I stopped writing on this blog about three years ago, yet everyonceandagreatwhile I get people who throw their two cents in.

Just the fact that people still care is nice- and its the ambiguous argument I posted that still amazes me, people who post are not sure exactly how to respond.

Anonymous said...

I understand completely where you are coming from. I too began my personal journey in search of better health and settled into the lifestyle of "veganism" but I must say that I agree that many individuals that classify themselves as vegan are in fact smug and do hold themselves on a pedestal above others. For individuals like myself and others that choose not to engage in the staunch elitism it is sometimes a very difficult position to be in. After I changed my dietary habits I learned of the atrocities occurring in the meat and manufacturing industries. With such knowledge in my grasp I feel overwhelmed to share the information I have learned with anyone who asks. I care very much about the environment and about the world we live in because our actions affect future generations. I feel it is my duty to inform, educate, and protect my children from the things that are occurring in the food industry and I hope one day every one can view it from a clean slate so that at the very least they can make an informed decision about the effects that their eating habits have on the world.

Anonymous said...

Just say your allergic to meat, it gives you dietary issues.

Anonymous said...

How about "me"? I am me and all that it encompasses. I don't consume animal products. Stick with facts and avoid emotion. It is what it is, I am what I am. True testimony is demonstration, in action. Enjoyed your post!

Anonymous said...

What the person standing next to you is eating is none of your business. It doesn't and shouldn't effect you...unless you go out of your way to make it an issue. I'm personally a vegan but my boyfriend, my family and nearly all of my friends are meat eaters (bar a few who are vegetarians). I couldn't care less what they decide to eat, it's not my place to judge or question what they decide is best for them and vice versa. I don't roll my eyes and tut loudly when they're tucking into a huge steak with extra bacon on the side because it doesn't effect me...or change who they are as a person. I am who I am and that is a vegan (for the record I do not do drugs, hug trees or wear fact guess what I look entirely "normal"). People should spend less time worrying about what other people are eating and criticising them for their food choices...and spend more time doing something useful - food preferences aside!

Ted Nugent said...

yea, meat is doused with harmful growth hormones and blah blah blah and you think the fruits and vegetables grown on farms aren't? At least when you eat a cheeseburger you don't have to worry about ingesting pesticides.

Furthermore, human beings are biologically designed to eat meat. You know those four sharp corner teeth you have? Those are called canines, they are specifically made for rending and tearing organic tissue.

I also find it funny that you fail to mention that if you don't eat meat you have to take an ungodly amount of vitamin and iron supplements to cope with the fact that you're depriving your body of a major source of nutrition. Have fun with anemia.

Have fun with being a spineless hippie

Yours truly,

An Apex Predator

Anonymous said...

"Vegetarians are stupid, why waste your life fussing what you eat when you can eat tasty food. Most vegetarians only use it as an exuse to cover the fact they can't afford meat. RETARDS!"

This comment is wrong and offensive on so many levels. I have money and i'm still vegan. And obviously I'm not retarded because you can't even spell excuse right. And to the author of this blog: You are an insecure asswhole who gets a kick out of smashing everyone elses beleifs! Have fun in your friendless old age left with your stipid prejudices.

Anonymous said...

Some people are vegans because of the killing of animals. Like it or not though, plants are alive as well. You're killing plants to survive. We have to kill something to live.

Anonymous said...

id rather be dead than have to associate myself with a bunch of vegan faggots. Stop being a fucking pussy and get yourself a steak. Grow some balls. If you you seriously think your hand is worth giving up meat, then you truly are a lost cause and should do us all a favor and end your sad existence.
Maybe the reason why lost feeling in your right hand in the first place was because you sat around jerking off and gaining weight, you fat fucking jerk off artist. Go eat a walnut you fairy fuck.

Anonymous said...

To the guy that commented above: Wow talk about being a jerk, "vegan faggots"? What the hell does being gay has to do with being a vegan? And you think you have balls cause you eat steaks? People as stupid and intolerant as you should end their sad lives =.= seriously, this world would be so much better..

Anonymous said...

To the guy that commented above: Wow talk about being a jerk, "vegan faggots"? What the hell does being gay has to do with being a vegan? And you think you have balls cause you eat steaks? People as stupid and intolerant as you should end their sad lives =.= seriously, this world would be so much better..

Anonymous said...

Beware of anything and I do mean anything you can add the words ism too. People will kill for it.

Anonymous said...

I have respect for anyone who chooses vegan as their diet for whatever reason. What I dislike is militant vegans who preach to me about how I am eating murdered animals and how I am bad for eating eggs (even though I buy them from a local farm in my grocer). I have a good friend who just became vegan and is very much showing militant behavior. It really saddens me to see that our friendship will likely end because he refuses to respect my views and opinions even though I have gone out of my way to respect his. He spouts off word for word the same statistics and comments I see on youtube by other militant vegans. it actually scares me how much he has changed. I do not even recognize the person he is and the fun loving guy he was. All he talks about is animal cruelty and how his friends should delete him if they still eat meat and eggs after watching the videos he posts. Truly truly sad.

Dune said...

You're mistaken. It is not the lack of meat that has improved your health. Rather, it is the fact that you gave up processed foods and eat far less refined sugars and far less carbs. You might be feeling better for a few years, however, without meat you are almost certainly making depriving your body of vertain nutrients that are only found in meat and animal products. These include Vtamin A and D (Liver), Collagen, L-Carnitine, B12, Taurine, Co-Q-10, Choline, EPA, DHA... When epidemiological studies show a correlation between eating lots of meat (saturated fat) and poor health, that is only because those who pig out on meat usually pig out on carbs sugars cakes sodas...Also in those studies, no distinction is ever made between those eating processed meats ie Spam, Mcdonalds.., and between those eating natural meats. There is no reason why you can't eat a diet consisting of free range eggs, wild caught Fish, Fruits, vegetables,and ideally- Grassfed meats, although if can't then regular is okay too so long as you take fish oil supplemets or a spoon of crlsons fish oil every day, and also sume pasture butter is okay and Ghee.. While eliminating all refined grains and processed foods and keeping carbs to under 100 grams/day. This is how a person gets optimally healthy. You can not get healthy inn the long run on a vegan diet, unless you are taking literally a handful of supplements to replace what you are depriving your body of. Since the vegan diet eliminates crap, it is therefore, healthy for a coupe of years. However, here are some signs that the defffiviencies are starting to catch up with you. Cavities, Joint pain, depression, sluggishness, crackling and weak bones. lack of full range of emotion/lack of passion...

Anonymous said...

I too am turned off by the incessant preaching of orthodoxy that so many vegans feel compelled to do.

In all fairness, extremists of all flavors cause me to walk the other way.

I wish we could seperate the cooking from the cult.

I've spent hours online trying to learn about vegan cooking deeper than a few recipies. Mostly I find massive attitude rarely backed up by reference to sources.

Too much preaching, too many unsupported claims and too much intolerance.

I will continue to eat a mostly plant-based diet because I choose to, but spare me the labels.

Anonymous said...

Lets face it, vegans have a stereotype for a reason.

Thanks to the guy two posts above, he knows exactly whats up. Grass fed, organic beef, and free range, organic chicken is the way to go. It tastes so much better than factory stuff, and has so many nutrients. Mix in healthy carb choices like quinoa, sweet potatos and oats, fruits, and veggies and you have a very healthy diet. Lean cuts of beef have so many benefits: carnitine, creatine, b12 and other b's, zinc, selenium, heme iron, healthy fats, complete protein. Yeah sure there is sat fat and cholesterol but these two are needed in small amounts for different bodily function, and with a balanced diet will pose no problems.

Anonymous said...

Being vegan sounds great and all, but I think eating less and exercising is equally effective.

Anonymous said...

Meatans are more open minded than Vegans. We eat meat AND vegetables.

Anonymous said...

So I have vegan neighbours - and they hate us - I mean hate us! I have never been treated so badly, and I am not the only one to say they are the most anti-social rude snobs around. The problem is that a devout vegan will say to your face that you are not an animal lover because you eat meat. It is that type of attitude that makes omnis hate feel judged and turn off - I am not interested in defending my food choices. Not all are alike, but perhaps that is something vegans need to consider before sharing their opinions. Oh and can someone explain to me how a devout vegan justifies taking prescription medicine? Because I see alot of hypocrosy there.

Quite simply, I don't care what you stick in your yap, I get more annoyed by what comes out of it.

Author I see your issue, just say you are on a restricted diet. Because if you gave up meat for health reasons, you really are not a vegan.

Couchpotato said...

Balanced diet is the keyword here.

Just a couple of months back when i was hospitalized with a broken bone meat was essential for me cause i needed the extra protein but now that i am out of that boring hospital i have become a couchpotato and my waistline has been happily growing.

I can justify by saying i need the protein but after looking at myself in the mirror i know that what i really need is a balanced diet and lots and lots of exercise.

More than looking good feeling good is important and that's what i want back.

Anonymous said...

I'm a 12 year old vegetarian and some of these comments really hurt my feelings.
Think about how your comment will affect others before you post people.

kim said...

Vegans are bad for the environment~~ faux leather is plastic , and geese get hunted in soybean fields.

Anonymous said...

It's funny how everyone hates vegans/vegetarians because they're 'preaching to people and trying to convert them' when that's what they're doing themselves. Hate article about how stupid vegans are and how humans are MEANT to eat meat is the exact same thing. Personally I know quite a few people who are vegans and not a single one of them tried to convince me not to eat meat. And even if there is vegans out there who do that, I believe is for the right reasons. It's wrong to judge someone by what they eat do and don't eat. To each their own, live and let live. Peace!

Anonymous said...

I say grow some balls and proudly mention the fact that you're vegan. So you like to be healthier, are reducing your carbon footprint, and boycott the cruel meat/dairy industries. What's not to be proud of?

Anonymous said...

You're soo bang on with this article. I had identified myself as a vegan until I learned that it means you must be an animal activist and talk the party line. While I really do agree with vegan philosophy about animals and health and environmental issues, I cannot handle the cult like following and expectations. I say we call ourselves herbivores....or maybe nothing at all.
I'm so glad you are healthy and you've written a great article on the benefits of a plant based diet.

ZR1Terror said...

You stupid vegans, if you only knew all the crap vegetables have on them.

Anonymous said...

Meat, dairy egg skin.. it's all rape, torture, child abisue and murder. Unthinking morons abusing non human children for a taste sensation and giving themselves colon cancer. Smart as fuck eh?

Anonymous said...

My boss claims to be a vegan. He's pretentious and insulting. He wears leather belts and shoes. He eats honey. He even eat vegetables that's been a fish stew. He smokes. He also does yoga lol. He only started doing yoga and veganism recently which I think is his MIDLIFE CRISIS. "Red meat makes you age faster."

Anonymous said...

My boss is also insanely skinny-fat lmao.

Anonymous said...

I tried being a vegetarian and it did not solve any of my health problem s.

Anonymous said...

You are an idiot.
If you can personally kill animals and eat them no probs, enjoy you conscience, cholesterol, destruction of the planet and your deteriorating health. Any hafe educated intelligent inquiring individual would examine the fact, the counter arguments and come to the conclusion that humans do not need any any way animal products.
Look into the health, environmental, political, social and historical reasons why you eat animals and a light bulb will switch on if you are an intelligent compassionate concerned human being.
Do what is right not what is easy.

Anonymous said...

How painfully ignorant this is. I'm vegan and proud and I tolerate and accept omnivores, not all vegans can be stamped and labeled like this. Actually most vegans are not like this, generally we're very accepting caring people and if we push our beliefs on you it's because we know what we're talking about and we may be trying to convert you to a more sensible lifestyle. You don't have to agree to do it, but don't go complaining about us trying to influence you. All you have to do is politely and respectfully decline and say that it's not the lifestyle that works for you right now. You don't have to act like a child and complain and insult. Just decline and move on it's that simple. Also, don't you think WE also get tired of you pushing your beliefs on us? You tell us we're hippies, tell us to eat meat and make fun of us. So before you pass judgement on us, make sure you take alook at yourself and how you're behaving. People like you are why there's so much intolera nce and hate in the world. The things you say could hurt someone permanently or damage them for life.

Silky said...

I love eating meat, and I don't give a godamn about what happens to animals when they're killed for food. I literally feel sexually arouse when eating steak, and I love it. I love being human, which means I love feeling sexually aroused when I eat meat - preferably cooked rare, which tastes better and is more erotic when I have sex.

Silky said...

I love eating meat, and I don't give a godamn about what happens to animals when they're killed for food. I literally feel sexually arouse when eating steak, and I love it. I love being human, which means I love feeling sexually aroused when I eat meat - preferably cooked rare, which tastes better and is more erotic when I have sex.

Anonymous said...

I love eating meat, and I don't give a godamn about what happens to animals when they're killed for food. I literally feel sexually arouse when eating steak, and I love it. I love being human, which means I love feeling sexually aroused when I eat meat - preferably cooked rare, which tastes better and is more erotic when I have sex.

Silky said...

I love eating meat, and I don't give a godamn about what happens to animals when they're killed for food. I literally feel sexually arouse when eating steak, and I love it. I love being human, which means I love feeling sexually aroused when I eat meat - preferably cooked rare, which tastes better and is more erotic when I have sex.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

I'm really offended I'm a vegetation and I don't preach I never have and I never will, I don't even tell people unless they're cooking for me in Witch case I usually bring my own food so people need to stop being judgemental and except that we are not all hippies that hug trees!

Anonymous said...

Nice. There's some great comments in here by a few well-informed herbivores if you're willing to read through all the OTHER comments.

Cidalia Martins said...

Just a small point: 10 to 11 is a normal age for girls to start puberty (earlier than boys). It's the increased numbers of 7 to 8 year olds hitting puberty that's disturbing.

Cidalia Martins said...

I wish it were true that most animals don't feel a thing. But most factory farms get away with having animals in horrible living conditions and suffering a terrible and prolonged death. Watch "Earthlings" for the truth. It's made me rethink my consumption and over-consumption of meat and animal products.

Anonymous said...

A litte late to the party, but I'm sure you don't mind.
You know, I dont mind vegans. As long as they don't butt their noses in and tell me I'm "killing" an already dead animal, I dont care if you eat tree bark.
I always tell others and myself that it's an dog eat dog world. Animals are either companions or food just as we are to them. Nature can own all our butts. So to me, there is no point.
I don't agree with how they treat animals before they slaughter them, or how they slaughter them,

I don't like how some vegetarians call us too lazy to pick up tofu, or victimize themselves by using their superiority complex as an excuse. I'm talking about those ignorant vegetarians, though, who like to.think we are all evil. No...we just eat what we want. Don't start with those analogies like, "Oh, what if they were selling minced human? Would you eat it? Hmmmm?"
Because not only are unlikely analogies very unlikely, but a completely avoidable way to avoid an argument...a proper argument.

I tip my hat to vegetarians that are tolerant of meat eaters, and actually have facts to back up their reasoning...rather than blabbering "MEAT EATERS ARE MONSTERS."

Anonymous said...

I will only talk about the fact that I'm vegan if I'm actually asked why I'm not eating meat, dairy or eggs. I will only continue to talk about it if the other person appears interested or continues the conversation. I always find that I'm normally called 'preachy' or 'opinionated' when the other person is expressing his/her views. If I'm eating, and you don't ask, I won't tell you. Simple.

Anonymous said...

...Continued from previous converstion: If you no longer wish to discuss the issue, just say and stop.

Anonymous said...

Vegans are idiots. nothing wrong with that lifestyle, but a lot of vegans stop at nothing at trying to force their lifestyle on others. Part of their daily lives consist of searching out meat eaters to try and convert them. if that doesn't work, then verbally attack them.
And for the dumb Vegans who think animal meat causes cancer... well anything can cause cancer if it contains contaminants. that's why you buy organic. same thing with veggies. if you don't buy organic you are exposed to insecticides.
Also, how bout those Japanese people? they eat plenty of meat while being more healthy than you and will easily outlive you...

Anonymous said...

Live and let live, I don't care. Just offer to bring your own food to house and dinner parties. That's the main thing, when someone asks me if I'll have vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free options, my menu blows up, and so does my budget. So live your life, just make very clear to your friends that they don't have to spend hours and $$ researching vegan versions of things. It's really annoying.

Fran Rodgers said...

Apolovegan the humble brag taken to the weakest level.You want to brag you NEED to brag, you hate the brag but DO the brag. Eat your fucking seeds and suck those dull,boring fucking seeds up because THAT is YOUR choice. LOVE your choice and roll deeply, ethically and blissfully righteous in that feel good choice. THEN FORGOE the urge to 'tell' your BIG SUPERIOR SENSE OF THE ETHICAL story to those of us who don't give a fuck. We are conscious carbon, functioning in a finite world that had a cataclysm that knocked 250 million years of dinosaurs into total shit. Extinction beyond extinction. There are calderas, meteorites, solar flares, earthquakes and a history of huge extinction and life change on earth. But OK if you think eating seeds is going to make the greatest impact mother earth has ever seen then knock your heart out. The rest of us will continue to wander about, grabbing the odd steak and wondering at the insignificance and wonder of our moment on earth. The biggest mistake vegans make is thinking that they are important or significant. You are no more significant than last nights rain. Here today gone tomorrow in terms of earth history. Enjoy the shitty over processed food and consider that Soya is a cunt to process as is cotton. Your ethics are as transient as your impact. Insects will out survive humans. The earth will cool and eventually be gone. You're all fucking mad to think that eating sticks makes a fuck rod of difference long term. Mammals are already on their way out. All of them.

Anonymous said...

why can't there be more people like who commented at June 25, 2008 at 5:26 PM on the internet?

Anonymous said...

I once dared a militant vegan to just kill the slaughterhouse workers and be done with it on facebook and got a warning, does that mean vegans should lead by example?